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                Company Profile

                Shanghai Eton Polymer Co., Ltd. brings together professionals in the thermoplastic elastomer industry, focusing on the R&D, production and sales of thermoplastic elastomers. The current main products include thermoplastic polyester elastomers (Tpee) and thermoplastic styrene elastomers. (Tps), Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomer (Tpu) and Thermoplastic Dynamic Vulcanization Elastomer (Tpv), etc. The products are used in the fields of automobiles, rail transit, electrical and electronics, cables, consumer goods, medical and food.

                As a national high-tech enterprise, the company has rich accumulation and experience in the thermoplastic elastomer industry, and has strong R&D and production capabilities. The company is committed to becoming a leader in the industry with the general purpose of "establishing an enterprise with integrity, establishing an enterprise with quality, developing an enterprise with science and technology, and a strong brand".

                Zhejiang Eton Polymer Technology Co., Ltd.

                Zhejiang Eton Polymer Technology Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Eton Polymer Co., Ltd., located in China New Chemical Materials (Jiaxing) Park, engaged in the research and development, production and sales of high-performance thermoplastic elastomer materials. The production base with first-class production equipment and advanced production technology has built multiple sets of thermoplastic polyester elastomers (Tpee), thermoplastic styrene elastomers (Tps), heat shrinkable polyurethane elastomers (Tpu) and thermoplastic dynamic vulcanized elastomers (Tpv). ) Production line to form a production capacity of 20,000 tons of high-end high-performance thermoplastic elastomers.

                We focus on quality details, control every link, and make every process a guarantee of quality.

                We are proficient in product design, meet the individual needs of customers, and provide timely and efficient technical support.

                We are obsessed with technological progress, always pay attention to the application of new technologies and new processes in the field of elastomers, and continue to work with customers to create new value.

                Eton Polymer
                Eton Polymer
                Eton Polymer
                Eton Polymer
                Eton Polymer
                Eton Polymer
                Eton Polymer
                Eton Polymer
                Eton Polymer
                Eton Polymer

                Company History


                Jul  Shanghai Eton Polymer Co., Ltd. was established


                Oct  Zhejiang Eton Polymer Technology Co., Ltd. was established

                Nov  Shanghai Eton was recognized as a national high-tech enterprise


                Mar  Zhejiang Eton thermoplastic elastomer project started construction


                Company was assessed as a small giant cultivation enterprise in Minhang District

                Zhejiang Eton was recognized as "Zhejiang Science and Technology Small and Medium-sized Enterprise"


                May  Shanghai Eton won the title of "2019 Minhang District Science and Technology Entrepreneurship New Enterprise"

                Aug  Zhejiang Eton thermoplastic elastomer project was put into production


                Sept  The 22nd China International Industry Fair "CⅠⅠF New Material Award"


                Jun  Zhejiang Eton Technology Center was recognized as "Jiaxing High-tech Research and Development Center"

                Jul  Shanghai Eton New Material is recognized as "Expert Workstation"


                Jan   Zhejiang Yidan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. obtained the high-tech enterprise certificate

                Shanghai Eton Polymer Co., Ltd.
                我们的团队致力于提供全面、专业的弹性体 解决方案

                OUR TEAM

                传承 严谨
                专家 创新


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